Friday, February 19, 2010

Overview and Social Structure

Figure 1 - A fully flying specimen (actually ff flight type)

Figure 2 - A hover stalking a human rock climber

The Hectonid Drakes (Ophis Draconus - literally "snake dragon") are a species of warm-blooded, highly intelligent reptiles. They organize in familial colonies and are fiercely territorial, with a colony's area often ranging over 50 miles in any direction.

The social structure of a colony is similar to a caste system divided by the flight characteristics. Fully flying drakes form the top of the hierarchy, followed the by the "hovers," or those with partial flight abilities. The non-flyers form the bottom rung, and they have the job of forming the underground burrows that the non-flyers and hovers live in. Flying drakes are always in the air, a perk of their unique physiology.

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